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. . .from the pages

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Updated: May 9, 2023


“Life and love can be interpreted in a million different ways.”

“Her smile lit up her face like the rising sun, lighting up the world in the backdrop. A beautiful day in God’s Own Country had blossomed in its full glory.”

“In the battle between the heart and the mind, it’s the HEART that always wins.”

“Love, in its purest manifestation, is the strongest of all human emotions and senses. It easily surpasses hatred, anger, and revenge all at once. It can easily trump physical senses, heat, cold, pain, and pleasure. Nothing compares to love.”

“You cannot reason out with your heart; it has a mind of its own. Love claims no wisdom.”

ONE within…a LOVE SAGA by Bobby George

Days of Despair…

“Every rising day was a Victory, every falling night a Battle.

“The wounds on the surface had healed, but the pain had embedded deeper into my heart and soul. It hurt me with every breath I took.”

“I wanted to live my pain, I thought; the more pain I endured, the sooner I would be free from her tormenting memories.”

“The sound of the snow falling off the treetops and the occasional cracking of twigs under its weight was only the fermata in the music of silence in this icy blue world.”

“She was everywhere I went. In every moment I lived. In every breath I took.”

ONE within…a LOVE SAGA by Bobby George

Women and her many shades…

“God has bestowed Women with such complexity; Men can never simplify.”

“Her eyes had the pain of the dying day and the crimson gloom of the sinking sun.

“She did not make me feel alone, even in my failure.”

“In the silence suspended between us, I felt what we felt for each other. It meant I was in her thoughts in some part of her days and maybe nights, and that seemed enough for me to live.”

ONE within… a LOVE SAGA by Bobby George


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